Google Rank Extractor Tool
Perl v1.6 beta with FusionCharts
So what does the rank extractor tool do?
Quite simply it captures all visitors to your website which have come from Google and stores what Google Version they used, Search Phrase they typed, what Landing Page they visited, the Visit Date and most importantly, what Ranking Position your website was listed in the search engine's results page (SERPs).
It is worth noting that Google is only supplying a small percentage of Ranking Position data currently as it is a new attribute they are rolling out, so the percentage of Ranking Positions given will increase over time.
What do I need to use the GRE tool?
To use the GRE tool all you need is a website which can run Perl and utilise databases via mySQL, MS SQL or other ODBC database conectivity. The ablity to upload files to a website via FTP or other method, a text editor such as notepad and a little courage to make the required changes to the file. You will also need the ability to unzip the download file!
All the instructions you need are supplied with the tool or simply view the Google Rank Extractor -> README.
So what's the catch?
There isn't one! The tool's concept was created by Randy Cullom and written in PHP, he released the tool for free and requested help to port the code to other platforms. I was interested in the project and so offered to re-code, develop and maintain the Perl version for him. Over the last few months I have tweaked the tool, improved the code and added a whole bunch of new features and options. The only thing I ask in return is you keep all copyright notices intact, and it would be nice to receive feedback, suggestions and of course bug reports. After all this is still a beta version and I am only human!
Can I see the GRE tool in action?
Of course you can! I wouldn't expect you to want to download and use the tool before seeing it in action or what it can do! You can check out the tool using my own website stats. Google Stats
Download Free Tool
Trust me, it's FREE!
The GRE tool is completely free and can be downloaded using the link below.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Original Concept
PHP Version Available
The tool's original concept was devised by Randy Cullom and written in PHP. You can learn more about the PHP development and obtain the PHP version from his website. Google Rank Extractor -> PHP Version
Fusion Charts
Flash Graph Plugin
Fusion Charts is a free flash charting engine which I have added to the tool which gives you powerful reporting to help visualise your Google data. I wish to thank Fusion Charts for their great plugin and recommend checking out their official website where you can learn more about their Fusion Charts Flash Plugin.
Official GRE Thread
High Rankings Forums
If you would like to get involved and follow the tool's progress or simply give feedback, suggestions or report bugs, you can visit the Google Rank Extractor official pinned thread. Google Rank Extractor Forum